About The Conference

What is PyTexas?

PyTexas is the annual, regional gathering for the Python community in Texas. PyTexas is organized and run by community volunteers. PyTexas, like most of the Python community, is focused on providing a diverse and enjoyable experience for everyone interested in Python. Please help us do that by following the code of conduct.


PyTexas is organized and run by volunteers from the Python community. We generally assign tasks beginning the Thursday night before the conference and going through the conclusion of the conference on Sunday. If you would like to help, please send an e-mail to volunteers@pytexas.org. We'll contact you as conference time approaches.

Contact Us

Please feel free to email conference@pytexas.net with any questions.

You may also reach the larger Texas Python community by joining the mailing list, which is used for general community discussions. Python-oriented job postings are also welcome on the list.

About This Site

This site acts as the primary public facing website to the PyTexas Conference. It is built using Python and Django.

Finally, thanks go to RackSpace for agreeing to donate RackSpace Cloud Server resources to host the PyTexas site.