Keynote Speakers

Brandon Rhodes

Brandon Rhodes

Brandon Rhodes draws on more than 20 years of experience with Python and 30 years with Unix to offer effective patterns and practices to the audiences of his talks, writing, and training. His Python Patterns website offers Pythonic alternatives to the design patterns that are necessary in less flexible languages. He’s the author of both the old PyEphem astronomy library as well its modern alternative Skyfield, along with smaller projects like the elegant little logging_tree module that’s compatible with every Python back to Python 2.3. He is a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, on whose behalf he served as the volunteer chair of PyCon 2016–2017 in Portland.

Andrew (Pandy) Knight

Pandy Knight

Andrew Knight, also known as “Pandy,” is the Automation Panda. He’s a software quality champion who loves to help people build better quality software. In the past, he’s built large-scale test automation projects that run continuously and reliably. Currently, as a Developer Advocate at Applitools, Pandy helps folks make their apps visually perfect. He serves as Director of Test Automation University, which offers a multitude of free courses on software testing from the world’s leading instructors. An avid supporter of open source software, Pandy is a Playwright Ambassador as well as the lead developer for Boa Constrictor, the .NET Screenplay Pattern. On the side, he is writing a book on software testing with Manning Publications. Check out his tech blog at, and follow him on Twitter at @AutomationPanda.