Why Sponsor

The PyTexas Conference is an annual gathering of Pythonistas put on by the PyTexas Foundation. We’re excited to announce that we will be returning on April 1 and 2, 2023, to the Austin Central Public Library in Austin, TX. This event is 100% community organized and is funded through the generosity of our sponsors.

About the PyTexas Foundation and PyTexas Conference

The PyTexas Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to educating developers within Texas about Python. The PyTexas Conference is the foundation’s only fundraising event of the year. The event is an annual one that has been held every year since 2007 (with a few exceptions), which makes it our 15th year. On average, we sell out our venue and have 200-250 attendees a year.

Notable Changes in our Prospectus

We have updated our prospectus for 2023 to include more benefits to sponsors and to help us attract sponsors whom we believe our attendees will love. A few key things to highlight:

  • Our Lone Star Package offers a full 25-minute talk after the day one Keynote.
  • We are offering optional 5-minute speaking slots to Lone Star and Platinum sponsor levels Day 1 of the conference.
  • We are expanding how many sponsors we allow and are offering different sized tables for different tiers.
  • We are allowing sponsors to place their banners flanking the main stage for everyone to see during the event.

You can view our full Sponsorship Prospectus on our website.

How We Use The Funds

All sponsorship funds are used for the benefit of the PyTexas Conference and Foundation and the Texas Python community. We utilize funds to pay our venue, vendors, supplies, and all other things conference related. Any surplus funds that we collect are used to fund the minimal operating cost of the Foundation for the remainder of the year (primarily costs around bookkeeping, email, and foundation governance), as well as make next year’s PyTexas better.

Also, in an attempt to make PyTexas as accessible as possible to everyone, we subsidize our Individual ticket prices with Corporate tickets and Sponsorship funds. By doing this we are able to keep PyTexas Individual tickets as low as possible, ensuring that everyone can attend. If an attendee can’t afford a ticket, they can apply for a grant where we can offer them free tickets and sometimes funds for travel expenses.

Health and Safety

Our attendees' health and safety remain our top priority as we continue to monitor the state of the pandemic and look to venue, local, state, and CDC guidelines to make the best and most informed decisions around onsite safety and requirements. PyTexas 2023 will require face coverings (masking) for everyone inside the conference venue, and all attendees will be required to certify that they are vaccinated against COVID-19 at registration.

PyTexas has worked hard to be a community that is welcoming to all, including those of us who are immunocompromised, disabled, elderly, have support needs, or are caregivers for children, and those of us who share households with or caretake for people in those groups, so we will be erring on the side of safety for all participants.

PyTexas will continue to provide social distancing where possible in the venue. Hand sanitizer will also be available for all attendees. The guidelines implemented for PyTexas 2023 are subject to change based on health and safety recommendations at the time of the event. We are committing, however, to only make changes in the direction of greater protections.

You can view our full Health and Safety Requirements on our website.

Addressing the Elephant in the Room

All of our organizers are Texas residents and are all too familiar with the Texas Legislature's continued attacks on certain marginalized communities. PyTexas is dedicated to creating a safe and inclusive space for all attendees. We have adopted a new Code of Conduct this year to allow us to better protect our attendees and ensure the safety of everyone who attends.

Thank you for considering to sponsor PyTexas.

If you’re interested in sponsoring PyTexas, please reach out to sponsorship@pytexas.org. We’ve had a renewed level of interest in PyTexas this year, nearly tripling the amount of organizers and have already surpassed prior years Early Bird ticket sales. We look forward to continue to serve the Python community in Texas for years to come, and we’d be honored if you were to help us achieve this goal.